Google Maps New Update Provides Speed Traps and Accident Report To Users - TheAmusingTech - Daily Dose Of Tech You Want


Saturday, March 16, 2019

Google Maps New Update Provides Speed Traps and Accident Report To Users

Few months back we noticed that the tech giant and American smartphone manufacturer Google has been adding speed limits in their navigation pane and they are highlighting the speed traps report and accidents report to the users but it was not in all regions and was only available in some regions. The search giant Google is now rolling out the new global update and Google Maps users across the world will be provided with this feature and users will be getting soon in their smartphones including both Android and IOS.

The Google Maps users will be provided with an  icon in their map service Google Maps and this will provide the users the reports of speed traps and accidents in your final destination and source destination as noticed in Waze. The Google Maps will be provided an option where they can also report speed traps and accidents and this will help other Google Maps users. This new feature in Google Maps from search engine Google was in testing stage from many months and was limited to few places only but it will be rolled out for complete globe.

This new feature of providing report of Speed Traps and Accident report in Google Maps will surely help many other people and driving persons to get the information of their safe routes and if there is any accident in their route they can also reroute which will save the time of travelers as they will get stuck in the traffic.The similar feature Waze also works like this and it has options like closure, gas prices, map chatting and for hazards and many other multiple options.
The users when asked for the report of a speed trap and accidents and when the next time and when the travelers go from the same route  so the search engine Google will be hungry for the information of speed trap and accidents is there or not. This feature could be a disappointing but the search engine giant Google is expected to make other plans for it.Tell us your views in comment section and subscribe our blog and stay tuned for more amazing updates and news regularly.

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