Whatsapp and NASSCO Collaborate To Increase Digital Literacy Rate In India - TheAmusingTech - Daily Dose Of Tech You Want


Monday, March 18, 2019

Whatsapp and NASSCO Collaborate To Increase Digital Literacy Rate In India

The social networking giant WhatsApp and Indian IT company NASSCOM foundation have collaborated in India and they have taken responsibility of increasing digital literacy rate in people before the commencing of Lok Sabha General Elections 2019 to fight up the challenge of fake information that is bery much shared on WhatsApp. This new program of increasing digital literacy rate will be making people educated in India and to verify that the information shared is true or not. From few years people have very much shared wrong information and facts by the social networking site WhatsApp by few mad people and they need to be stopped.
The recent agreement signed by both the companies and their collaboration to educate people against fake news and facts that is shared in Whatsapp and this help 100000 Indian people to make difference true information and false information and facts and these two companies will be giving some useful tips and tricks that will make user safe on WhatsApp.A curriculum has also been created that will motivate people to stay safe against safe news in Whatsapp. This training by the collaboration of two companies will be having many tools that will check that the forward message is true or not.

This new training program by these two companies also provide a feature in which users can report fake message and facts checker and Law Enforcement.This new curriculum by these two companies will be announced on many languages that will escort the regional diversity in India. The first training from these two companies will be held on March 27th 2019 in New Delhi having many volunteers and many more planned interventions will be organised by these two companies. These two companies will also be organizing training workshops in rural and urban areas and many roadshows will be done in front of the college.
The Indian IT company NASSCOM Foundation is employing a massive group of volunteer and the new “Each One Teach Three” campaign will be announced in which one volunteer will be telling their learning towards fake news and facts and will be sharing with other three people and they will spread awareness and a national movement will be created by Whatsapp. We can also take part in this program and can register to stop spreading false information and facts on WhatsApp.Tell us your views in comment section and subscribe our blog and stay tuned for more amazing updates and news regularly.

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